
ICSSA 2020 Best Paper Award

Hyekyung Han, Kanghoon Lee, Youngbae Jeon and Ji Won Yoon (Congratulations!)

Comparison of various interpolation techniques to infer localization of audio files using ENF signals

ICSSA 2020 Best Student Paper Award

Syed Rizvi, Iyonna Williams, Tanner Flock and Travis Flock (Congratulations!)

Anomaly Detection to Protect Networks from Advanced Persistent Threats Using Adaptive Resonance AI Concepts

ICSSA 2021 conference proceedings will feature the following two categories of papers:

Full Paper

This category is for papers fully accepted for the conference.

Work-in-Progress Paper

The authors of these papers are invited to present their work during the conference. They are given an opportunity to revise their paper for the second round of reviews. If the reviewers are satisfied with the revisions made to address the weaknesses identified during the initial review process, this category of papers will be published in the Work-in-Progress section of our conference proceedings.